Robyn Towt
Patient Advocate~Co-Founder GPAC-Global Patient Advocacy Coalition
Presentation: Informed Consent
Robyn Towt is co-founder of GPAC Global Patient Advocacy Coalition, member of Arizona Association of Patient Advocates, patient advocate member of American Society of Breast Surgeons, member of American Society of Plastic Surgeons BICC (Breast Implant Collaborative Council), and published author in Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine and Surgical Times medical magazine. Her experience with breast implants after having a double mastectomy for breast cancer led her to become an advocate for raising awareness about breast implant safety and proper informed consent.
Robyn has shared her testimony twice at the FDA in Washington D.C. and is also an administrator in various online support groups for women who are suffering from Breast Implant Illness. Collaborative efforts with industry and medical societies have led to progress in finding solutions for increasing awareness and patient safety. Robyn has worked extensively with Arizona legislators in passing an informed consent law for breast implant surgery and state GPAC teams are currently working on similar legislation in several other states.
Robyn also partnered with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) to develop a patient decision checklist that was created collaboratively with plastic surgeons, patient advocates, state and regional plastic surgeon societies, and the ASPS Government Relations team. The consensus checklist was adopted by ASPS in October 2021. Robyn is a member of ASPS Breast Implant Collaborative Council (BICC) and has attended the ASPS annual meeting as a guest speaker on the patient discussion panel.
Most recently, Robyn and GPAC team member Andrea Ottaiano were successful in implementing new language changes in the National Cancer Center Network (NCCN) guidelines for breast cancer. Clinical guidelines and patient guidelines will now include language on having aesthetic flat closure as an option after mastectomy.
Robyn is passionate about raising awareness and protecting patients. With continued collaboration between patients, health care providers, and regulatory agencies, as well as implementing policy changes and legislation, Robyn is committed to seeing that every patient is given the proper information to make informed and educated medical decisions.